We provide Q & A format for frequently asked questions.
Q. How long will you come after calling?
A. Normally, we can pick you up in about 20 to 30 minutes, but it may take some time depending on the time of day and location. You can make a reservation if the time to return is decided in advance.
Q. Is it possible to pick up the car even if the parking lot is far away?
A. If you specify the location of the parking lot, we will pick you up and pick you up.
Q. Are there any vehicles that cannot be replaced?
A. If it is a general vehicle, it does not matter whether it is a large vehicle, a two-wheeled vehicle, or a vehicle type. We do not accept vehicle inspections or illegally modified vehicles.
Q. Is it possible to cancel?
A. Cancellation before arrival at the reserved place is free of charge. Cancellation due to customer's convenience after arriving at the reserved place will be charged a cancellation fee of 3,500 yen.
For daytime agency, a cancellation fee will be charged from 7 days in advance. Please note.
Q. Is there a waiting fee?
A. It will be a service until 10 minutes, but after that, it will be 100 yen per minute.
Q. Is there an extra charge for left-hand drive?
A. Yes. There is an extra charge for left-hand drive, imported cars, and large passenger cars.
Q. What is the charge when using high speed?
A. In addition to your car, we also charge a high-speed fee for your accompanying car. note that.
Q. Can I use a credit card for payment?
A. Yes, you can. We accept VISA, Mastar and American Express cards.
Q. What is the guarantee in case of an accident while driving?
A. Please be assured that we have a driving agency insurance company. In addition, we provide thorough education to drivers on driving manners and driving skills to prevent accidents.
Q. Do I need to make a reservation to ask for a substitute drive service?
A. Reservations are not always required, but customers may have to wait. If you have a plan, please make a reservation as soon as possible from the internet (24 hours reception OK !!) or toll-free number 0120-81-0019 (reception hours: AM9: 00-AM4: 00). I recommend.
Q. I want to charter a car with a driver for a day. What should I do in that case?
A. We accept outsourcing as a separate business. Please use all means. Car rental with driver [Charter Japan]
Q. Is it possible to get in the accompanying car?
A. According to the "Act on the Optimization of Driving Agency" that came into effect on June 1, 2002, it is strictly prohibited by law for passengers to ride in a vehicle accompanying a driving agency.
Q. Is it possible to have only the car drive to the destination?
A. We also accept orders for cars only. We will discuss how to deliver the key, how to pay the fee, etc. Please feel free to contact us.